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MUNIn (Multiple tissue UNifying long-range chromatin Interaction detector): a statistical framework for identifying long-range chromatin interactions from multiple tissues

MUNIn adopts a hierarchical hidden Markov random field (H-HMRF) model for identifying long-range chromatin interactions from multiple tissues, which is an extension of our previous HMRF peak caller HMRFBayesHiC (Xu et al., Bioinformatics, 2016). Comparing to the existing HiC peak calling methods, MUNin simultaneously account for spatial dependency within the same tissue, as well as dependency among different tissues. Specially, in MUNIn, the status of each pair of interacting chromatin loci (peak or non-peak) depends not only on the status of loci pairs in its neighborhood region, but also on the status of the same loci pair in other tissues. The current version is a pre-release. For details, please refer to our tutorial.

Comments and suggestions are welcome, please e-mail Yuchen Yang at, Ming Hu at or Yun Li at