Downloadable Terminals (use "save as"):       FIREcaller_1.40     The R package can be downloaded from Github webpage yycunc/FIREcaller       Hippo_Hi-C_inputs_chr1_22.tar.gz       Hind3_hg19_40Kb_encodeBL_F_GC_M_auto.txt.gz       humanCortex.FIRE_SUPERFIRE       Shared.FIRE.GE       Fetal.FIRE.GE       Adult.FIRE.GE       ChIP-seq_peaks_Schmitt_et_al_2016       RPKM_matrix_strend_TSS_021116.txt       convert_narrowPeak_into_Bin.R: The code for converting H3K27ac/H3K4me3 narrow peaks into bed format.       Schmitt_DLPFC_H3K4ME3_H3K27ac_line_plot.R: The code for line plot.       hg19_DLPFC_H3K27ac.1e5_peaks.narrowPeak.gz: Narrow peaks for H3K27ac in DLPFC.       hg19_DLPFC_H3K4me3.1e5_peaks.narrowPeak.gz: Narrow peaks for H3K4me3 in DLPFC.       Schmitt_FIRE_tissue_DLPFC.txt.gz: FIREs in DLPFC.       Schmitt_primary_cohort_FIREscore.csv: The entire list of FIRE scores for all the primary cohort in Schmitt et al. (2016). REFERENCES Schmitt, A.D., Hu, M., Jung, I., Xu, Z., Qiu, Y., Tan, C.L., Li, Y., Lin, S., Lin, Y., Barr, C.L. and Ren, B. (2016) A compendium of chromatin contact maps reveals spatially active regions in the human genome. Cell reports, 17: 2042-2059. Wang, D., Liu, S., Warrell, J., Won, H., Shi, X., Navarro, F.C., Clarke, D., Gu, M., Emani, P., Yang, Y.T., Xu, M., Gandal, M.J., Lou, S., Zhang, J., Park, J.J., Yan, C., Rhie, S.K., Manakongtreecheep, K., Zhou, H., Nathan, A., Peters, M., Mattei, E., Fitzgerald, D., Brunetti, T., Moore, J., Jiang, Y., Girdhar, K., Hoffman, G.E., Kalayci, S., Gümüş, Z.H., Crawford, G.E.; PsychENCODE Consortium, Roussos, P., Akbarian, S., Jaffe, A.E., White, K.P., Weng, Z., Sestan, N., Geschwind, D.H., Knowles, J.A. and Gerstein, M.B. (2018) Comprehensive functional genomic resource and integrative model for the human brain. Science, 362: eaat8464. Won, H., de La Torre-Ubieta, L., Stein, J.L., Parikshak, N.N., Huang, J., Opland, C.K., Gandal, M.J., Sutton, G.J., Hormozdiari, F., Lu, D., Lee, C., Eskin, E., Voineagu, I., Ernst, J. and Geschwind, D.H. (2016) Chromosome conformation elucidates regulatory relationships in developing human brain. Nature, 538: 523. |